I Smell the Oil
I clench my fingers against the sealed cap. I smell the Oil. I feel my fingers burn. I smell the Oil. I look into the silver lined tube. I smell the Oil. I plunge my brush in. I smell the Oil. I make my first mark. I smell the Oil. What can I do? I smell the Oil. Preserve this mark. I smell the Oil. Enhance this mark. I smell the Oil. I think of the paint’s properties. I smell the Oil. I think of tinting. I smell the Oil. I add the hue’s compliment. I smell the Oil. I think of flow. I smell the Oil. I enhance the translucency. I smell the Oil. I become aware of the darks. I smell the Oil. I’ve found depth. I smell the Oil. In the depth I see new light. I smell the Oil. It’s no longer about the first mark. I smell the Oil. It’s about the piece as a whole. I smell the Oil. I consider the texture. I smell the Oil. I make a slit through the canvas. I smell the Oil. I stitch it back up. I smell the Oil. I puncture a hole. I smell the Oil. I fill it with hot glue. I smell the Oil. I cut out the middle. I smell the oil. I make a patch. I smell the Oil. I weave over painted lines. I smell the Oil. I listen as the paint becomes aware of it’s supports. I smell the Oil. I watch as shape forms. I smell the Oil. I touch the paint. I smell the Oil. I’ve left my mark. I smell the Oil. I let the paint breathe. I smell the Oil. I watch as it matures. I smell the Oil. I let the paint speak. I smell the Oil. I sign my name because I smell the Oil.