Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tape, glue and fibers too!~2010 Textures!

Well Wishes

Masked Moments

Frozen Tears

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Painterleigh Way!

Hung Out To Dry

Tarts and Sweet Cream

Ripped but Not Torn

Pleasantly Uncomfortable

Orbital Orchid

Masked Highlights

From the Inside Out

Cadmium Devotions 2

Cadmium Devotions

MASSART All School Show!

Behind Linear Lines

When A Fast Fall leads to Cadmium Devotions

A Fast Fall

Complimentary Hearts

Artist Statement:

I Smell the Oil
I clench my fingers against the sealed cap. I smell the Oil. I feel my fingers burn. I smell the Oil. I look into the silver lined tube. I smell the Oil. I plunge my brush in. I smell the Oil. I make my first mark. I smell the Oil. What can I do? I smell the Oil. Preserve this mark. I smell the Oil. Enhance this mark. I smell the Oil. I think of the paint's properties. I smell the Oil. I think of tinting. I smell the Oil. I add the hue's compliment. I smell the Oil. I think of flow. I smell the Oil. I enhance the translucency. I smell the Oil. I become aware of the darks. I smell the Oil. I've found depth. I smell the Oil. In the depth I see new light. I smell the Oil. It's no longer about the first mark. I smell the Oil. It's about the piece as a whole. I smell the Oil. I consider the texture. I smell the Oil. I make a slit through the canvas. I smell the Oil. I stitch it back up. I smell the Oil. I puncture a hole. I smell the Oil. I fill it with hot glue. I smell the Oil. I cut out the middle. I smell the Oil. I make a patch. I smell the Oil. I weave over painted lines. I smell the Oil. I listen as the paint become's aware of it's supports. I smell the Oil. I watch as shape forms. I smell the Oil. I touch the paint. I smell the Oil. I've left my mark. I smell the Oil. I let the paint breathe. I smell the Oil. I watch as it matures. I smell the Oil. I let the paint speak. I smell the Oil. I sign my name because I smell the Oil.